Partnership Fund

Small grants, of up to £2,500

The Partnership Fund is available to support community and voluntary sector led initiatives that help to achieve National Park purposes. The fund is open to applications from constituted community groups, charities, and other organisations. Businesses can only apply in exceptional circumstances (e.g. delivering a community initiative or working in partnership). We can not accept applications from individuals.

The overarching focus of the fund is the achievement of National Park purposes and the fulfilment of Partnership Plan ambitions that make a difference for People, Place and Prosperity on Exmoor.

While each application will be considered on its own merits the fund is competitive and a final decision on funding support will be determined by the Chief Executive and ENPA Leadership Team at regular funding rounds. Please note funding is currently very limited and we can not guarantee that all applications meeting the criteria will be successful.

Essential Criteria

To qualify for funding all applications will need to demonstrate that:

  • The project furthers one or both National Park purposes:
    1. Conservation and enhancement of the wildlife, natural beauty and culture heritage  
    2. Promotion of opportunities for public understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of Exmoor
  • The project will make a measurable contribution to the achievement of the strategic actions set out in the Exmoor National Park Partnership Plan.
  • The project has community involvement or support.
  • Other funding opportunities have been explored.
  • The project will have lasting benefits beyond the initial funding period.

Funding Support

Support of up to £2,500 is available - there is no minimum amount. We will usually fund a maximum of 50% of eligible project costs. In exceptional cases we can consider up to 75% for voluntary groups.

Applicants must demonstrate that other funding opportunities, which can add value to Exmoor National Park funding, have ben explored.

Some in-kind contributions are acceptable as match-funding, and can include: volunteer time, loan of equipment or facilities, and services provided free of charge. You will need to provide a cost on which these contributions are based and evidence them when you make claims.

All offers will be time-limited to a maximum of 2 years, by which time the project has to be completed and final claims submitted.

Read the guidance notes (PDF)

If you think your project meets the criteria outlined above please complete a simple Expression of Interest form. Once submitted this will be shared with any relevant staff within the Authority and feedback provided on the suitability of a full application and any specific issues to address.

If you are invited to complete a full application please use the application form to give us as much information as you can about your project an how it will met the funds criteria. We are also interested in what you will do, why you ae doing it and how you will do it.

There are no fixed deadlines, and we aim to respond to all applications within a maximum of 4-6 weeks when possible.


If your application is successful you will be given an offer letter outlining the term and conditions of your grant.  You will also be provided with an acceptance form which should be completed and returned before you start your project. We can not consider claims for any expenditure incurred before an offer is made and accepted.

Delivery and claims

You are now ready to start your project. Your offer will include a deadline for completion of your project,

Unless otherwise agreed funding is usually claimed retrospectivity on receipt of evidence of expenditure (e.g. copies of paid invoices). You can make interim claims against your offer at any point during your project but we will not usually process a final claim until  the project has been completed and evidence submitted.

You should keep us informed about project progress, especially when making a claim, and you should alert us immediately if you have any concerns around project delivery.


We ask all our projects to provide us with a final report / evaluation of their project. This doesn't need to be long-winded, we just need to know where your project has made a difference and how you can measure the benefits accrued from your work. Good evaluation allows us to promote the good news about your project.


Your grant offer will include a standard condition to keep us informed of any publicity for your project, including press releases. We ask that you include reference to the funding received from the Partnership Fund, and make use of the Partnership Fund logo on all publicity material and communications with the press and media.

Please forward press releases and similar material to us so we can help publicise your project, and ensure relevant details are promoted through our own channels.

Read the guidance notes (PDF)

Details of grant offers will be published here, usually within 1 month.

Funded projects summary (xlsx)