Committees and Meetings

The table below shows the main committees where decisions are made, and their key roles. To find out more about each committee, and which Authority members sit on it,  just click on the name of the committee in the left hand column of the table below.

See upcoming meeting dates here

Conducts the business of Exmoor National Park Authority relating to delivery of National Park purposes  including approving key strategies, policies and plans such as the National Park Management Plan. The Authority approves Standing Orders, Member Code of Conduct, and Member appointments.  The Authority also makes decisions and receives reports relating to the management of Authority business including on finance, personnel, corporate planning, performance management and land and property matters.

Full details of the functions of the Authority are set out in Standing Orders (Appendix 1).

More on the Authority Committee - including Meeting Agendas.

Meets to ensure and maintain high standards of conduct by Members and Officers of the Authority.

More on the Standards Committee - including Meeting Agendas

It is an independent statutory advisory body set up by Exmoor National Park Authority in 2002 under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.  The Forum advises the National Park Authority, Natural England, the two local highway authorities covering the area and other statutory bodies about improvement of public access to land for open-air recreation and enjoyment.

More on the Exmoor Local Access Forum - including Meeting Agendas

Provides a forum for discussion of matters pertaining to Exmoor National Park Athority and our relationship with local communities/other bodies having an interest in the National Park. The Forum meets at ENPA headquarters and/or different venues across the National Park and members of the public are welcome to attend.

More on the Exmoor National Park Forum

Has delegated responsibility for functions relating to local planning including determining planning applications that are not delegated to Planning Officers under the Authority's Scheme of Delegation.  Also considers other local planning authority matters including enforcement, planning policy, preparation of local plans and the duty to co-operate, neighbourhood planning, responding to consultations from neighbouring authorities or on national policy and changes to the legislative framework of the planning system. The Committee also deals with functions relating to footpaths and bridleways; and hazardous substances.

Full details of the responsibilities delegated to the Planning Committee are set out in Standing Orders (Appendix 2).

More on the Planning Committee - including Meeting Agendas

The Final Accounts Committee will meet annually to receive and approve the annual Statement of Accounts in accordance with statutory deadlines.  Committee Members will meet at regular intervals as the Finance & Performance Advisory Panel with the Chief Executive, Head of Finance & Operations and Head of Strategy & Performance to maintain a detailed overview of the financial position, overall performance and management of risk within the Authority; the membership of the Panel to comprise (but not be limited to) the Members of the Final Accounts Committee.

More on the Final Accounts Committee - including Meeting Agendas

Having Your Say - Public Participation at Meetings

Please see our guidance note Having Your Say for further details about public participation at meetings.

With the exception of very occasional confidential matters, all of the formal business of the meetings of the Authority and its committees is conducted in public session.  Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the National Park Authority or its committees that are open to the press and public. There is public question time at meetings when the Chairman will allow members of the public two minutes to ask questions, make statements, or present a petition relating to any item on the Agenda for that meeting.   If you wish to speak at a meeting or to submit a question to be read out, please contact Corporate Support, by email, in writing or by telephone by 4pm on the working day before the meeting, indicating a brief summary of the matter you wish to raise. Email: Tel:  01398 323665