05 Jul 2011

To:  All Members of the Exmoor National Park Authority 

The Annual Meeting of the Exmoor National Park Authority will be held in the Committee Room, Exmoor House, Dulverton on Tuesday 5 July 2011 at 10.30am.

The meeting will be open to the press and public subject to the passing of any resolution under s.100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. 

The meeting will be audio recorded.  By entering the Authority’s Committee Room and speaking during Public Question Time you are consenting to being audio recorded.

There is a Public Question Time at this meeting, when the Chairman will allow members of the public two minutes each to ask questions, make statements, or present a petition relating to any item on the Agenda.  Anyone wishing to ask questions should notify the Member Services Officer by 4pm on the working day before the meeting of the agenda item on which they wish to speak, indicating a brief summary of the matter or matters to be raised (contact details are set out above). 

Dr Nigel Stone
Chief Executive


1.  Election of Chairman

2.  Election of Deputy Chairman

3.  Apologies for Absence

4.  Declarations of Interest:  Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.  (NB: When verbally making these declarations, members are also asked to complete the Disclosures at Meetings form – attached for members only).

5.  Chairman’s Announcements

6.  Minutes

(1)  To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Authority held on 19 April 2011 (Item 6, PDF 27KB  Achievements Presentation, PDF 3.44MB).

(2)  To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes.

7.  Public Question Time

The Chairman will allow members of the public to ask questions, make statements, or present a petition on any matter on the Agenda for this meeting.

8.  Annual Appointments

To consider the report of the Chief Executive and to make annual appointments for 2011/12 to serve on the Authority’s Committees, partnership boards and working groups listed in Appendix A and to the Outside Bodies listed in AppendixB (Item 8, PDF 51KB).
To consider any additional appointments to the Exmoor Consultative and Parish Forum.

9.  Defra Review of the Governance Arrangements for National Park Authorities

To receive an update from the Chief Executive.

10.  Recent Policy Announcements by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)

To consider the report of the Chief Executive (Item 10, PDF 126KB).

11.  New Homes Bonus

To consider the report of the Head of Support to the Community (Item 11, PDF 20KB) .

12.  Annual Open Meeting of the Authority

To consider the report of the Chief Executive (Item 12, PDF 15KB).

13.  Audio Recording of Meetings

To consider the report of the Head of Transition (Item 13, PDF 19KB).

14.  Members’ Reports

To receive any updates and reports on meetings and events attended by Members as representatives of the Authority.

15.  Any Other Business of Urgency

Further information on any of the reports can be obtained by contacting the National Park Authority at the address and telephone numbers at the top of the agenda.  Details of the decisions taken at this meeting will be set out in the formal Minutes which the Committee will be asked to approve as a correct record at its next meeting.  In the meantime, details of the decisions can be obtained from Carol Carder, Corporate Support Officer, at Exmoor House.


Audio Recording Disclaimer: The Authority takes no responsibility for views expressed by members of the public during recorded public meetings. Views expressed by individual Authority Members are not necessarily those of the Authority itself.   Recordings or any part thereof may be removed from the Authority’s website at any time by the Chief Executive or Monitoring Officer if he/she considers that all or part of the content is, or is likely to be, in breach of any statutory provision or common law doctrine. Examples include breaches of Data Protection, Equality and Human Rights legislation or provisions relating to confidential or exempt information.