14 May 2020
To: All Members of the Exmoor National Park Authority
A meeting of the Exmoor National Park Authority will be held via Lifesize Video Conferencing software on Thursday 14 May 2020 at 10.00am.
The meeting will be open to the press and public subject to the passing of any resolution under s.100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972.
There is Public Speaking at this meeting, when the Chairperson will allow members of the public two minutes each to ask questions, make statements, or present a petition relating to any item relevant to the business of the Authority or relating to any item on the Agenda. Anyone wishing to ask questions should notify the Corporate Support Officer as soon as possible, or at the latest by 4pm on the working day before the meeting of the agenda item on which they wish to speak, indicating a brief summary of the matter or matters to be raised (contact Judy Coles on 01398 322250 or email jcoles@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk).
Please be aware that this is a public Authority Meeting and will be audio and video recorded. We will make the recordings available via our website for members of the public to listen to and/or view, within 72 hours of the meeting taking place.
Members of the public may use Facebook and Twitter or other forms of social media to report on proceedings at this meeting. Anyone wishing to film part or all of the proceedings may do so unless the press and public are excluded for that part of the meeting or there is good reason not to do so. As a matter of courtesy, anyone wishing to film proceedings is asked to advise the Chairperson so that those present may be made aware.
Sarah Bryan
Chief Executive
Due to the Covid-19 emergency, this meeting will be held via Lifesize Video Conferencing in accordance with Standing Orders and the Formal Meetings Protocol
The first section of the meeting will be chaired by Mr R Milton, the Chairperson of the Authority. If the Chairperson is absent, the Deputy Chairperson shall preside.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest/Lobbying of Members/Unaccompanied Site Visits
Members are asked to declare:-
(1) any interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting;
(2) any lobbying by anyone concerned with a planning application and any unaccompanied site visits where contact has been made with any person concerned with a planning application.
3. Chairperson’s Announcements
4. Minutes
(1) To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Authority held on 3 March 2020 (Item 4).
(2) To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes.
5. Public Speaking: The Chairperson will allow members of the public to ask questions, make statements, or present a petition. Questions of a general nature relevant to the business of the Authority can be asked under this agenda item. Any questions specific to an agenda item can be posed when that item is considered subject to the discretion of the person presiding at the meeting.
Agenda items relating to the Authority’s role as sole local planning authority for the National Park area including determination of planning applications. This section of the meeting will be chaired by Mr S Pugsley (Deputy Chairperson (Planning)). If the Deputy Chairperson (Planning) is absent, the Deputy Chairperson of the Authority shall be preside.
6. Development Management: To consider the report of the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development on the following:-
Agenda Item | Application No. | Description | Page Nos |
6.1 | 6/20/20/102 | Proposed installation of 6.2kw Roof Mounted PV array to agricultural barn to the south of Throat Farm (Full) – Throat Farm, Wheddon Cross, Minehead | 1 - 10 |
6.2 | 6/34/20/102 | Proposed replacement of windows and doors with double glazed units (Householder) – Combe House, Jubilee Terrace, Timberscombe, Minehead, Somerset | 11 - 18 |
6.3 | 6/13/19/111 | Proposed demolition of part of the stone boundary wall, creation of vehicular hardstanding to form parking area and the erection of timber post and rail fencing surrounding the vehicular hardstanding. Retrospective (Householder) – The Old Stables, Court Farm, Exford, Somerset | 19 - 28 |
6.4 | 6/13/20/101 | Application under Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 for non-material amendment to application reference 6/13/19/104 to rotate shed through 180 degrees (NMA - Full) – Exmoor National Park Field Services Depot, Exford, Minehead | 29 - 32 |
6.5 | 6/9/20/104LB | Application under Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 for listed building consent for the proposed removal of one window pane and replace with an ‘Extractor fan’ (Listed Building) – Exmoor National Park Authority, Exmoor House, Dulverton | 33 - 36 |
7. Site Visits: To arrange any site visits agreed by the Committee (the reserve date being Friday 29 May (am)).
The remaining section of the meeting will be chaired by Mr R Milton, Chairperson of the Authority. If the Chairperson is absent, the Deputy Chairperson of the Authority shall preside.
8. Annual Governance Review 2019/20: To consider the joint report of the Solicitor and Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer (Item 8)
9. External Audit Plan for the Year Ending 31 March 2020: To consider the report of the Chief Finance Officer (Item 9).
10. Any Other Business of Urgency
Further information on any of the reports can be obtained by contacting the National Park Authority at the address and telephone numbers at the top of the agenda. Details of the decisions taken at this meeting will be set out in the formal Minutes which the Committee will be asked to approve as a correct record at its next meeting. In the meantime, details of the decisions can be obtained from Judy Coles, Corporate Support Officer, at Exmoor House.
Audio and Video Recording Disclaimer: The Authority takes no responsibility for views expressed by members of the public during recorded public meetings. Views expressed by individual Authority Members are not necessarily those of the Authority itself. Recordings or any part thereof may be removed from the Authority’s website at any time by the Chief Executive or Monitoring Officer if he/she considers that all or part of the content is, or is likely to be, in breach of any statutory provision or common law doctrine. Examples include breaches of Data Protection, Equality and Human Rights legislation or provisions relating to confidential or exempt information.
You can access a video recording of this meeting here: https://youtu.be/t2MBiVEeoek