Planning Committee

Shortcut to Planning Committee Papers


The Committee shall comprise 12 Members of the Authority, made up as follows:

Type of MemberNumber on Committee
Somerset  Council4

Mrs Christine Lawrence

Mrs Frances Nicholson

Mr Steven Pugsley (Chairperson)

Mrs Fran Smith

Devon County Council1

Mr Jeremy Yabsley

North Devon District Council1Mr John Patrinos
Parish Council3

Mr Andrew Bray

Mr Bill Geen

Mr Jeremy Holtom

Secretary of State3

Mr Dominic Elson

Dr Mike Kelly (Deputy Chairperson)

Mrs Evelyn Stacey

Further details about our Members can be found here

Public Speaking

There is public question time when the Chairperson will allow members of the public two minutes each in which to ask questions, make statements, or present a petition relating to any item on the agenda for that meeting. For further details, or if you wish to speak at a meeting or to submit a question to be read out, please contact Corporate Support, by email, in writing or by telephone by 4pm on the working day before the meeting, indicating a brief summary of the matter you wish to raise.  Email: 01398 323665

Audio and Video Recording

Audio and Video Recording Disclaimer: The Authority takes no responsibility for views expressed by members of the public during recorded public meetings. Views expressed by individual Authority Members are not necessarily those of the Authority itself.   Recordings or any part thereof may be removed from the Authority’s website at any time by the Chief Executive or Monitoring Officer if he/she considers that all or part of the content is, or is likely to be, in breach of any statutory provision or common law doctrine. Examples include breaches of Data Protection, Equality and Human Rights legislation or provisions relating to confidential or exempt information.

If you have any difficulty accessing the audio/video recording, please contact Corporate Support via email or 01398 323665

You can find all of the Planning Committee video recordings from April 2024 to Current here -  Link to  Video Recordings on YouTube

Papers for Planning Committee Meetings