Contact Us

Exmoor National Park Authority, Exmoor House, Dulverton, TA22 9HL

Planning enquiries

Visit our planning and Local Plan pages

For information about planning applications


For enquiries about planning policy and the Local Plan


Call: 01398 323665

To Contact Our National Park Centres

Please visit our National Park Centres Pages  and you will find contact details.

To book a school trip

For day visits please use this Education Enquiry Form and one of the team will get back to you. Or  see Pinkery Centre for Outdoor Learning for residential enquiries.

For questions about volunteering

Please visit our Get Involved web page

Access and Recreation Rangers

Visit our Out and about essentials pages or Report a Problem on a Right of Way or permitted path

Call: 01398 323665 (Select Option 2)

Ranger Primary Contact Areas Map

Duty Ranger (Weekends & Bank Holidays from 9am-5pm):  07970 099111

If you need to report an incident please use the contact information above

For questions regarding ENPA Estate, including licensing and use of drones


Call: 01398 323665


For information about Exmoor’s natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage visit our ‘Nature and Landscape'  pages


Call: 01398 323665

Tourism, Economy, Partnership Fund

Visit our information for tourism providers page, or business and economy pages.


Call: 01398 323665

CareMoor - donating to Exmoor

For donations and queries about legacies and memorial gifts such as donate a gate please visit our CareMoor for Exmoor pages.


Call: 01398 323665

Media enquiries

To make a complaint or compliment

Find information on our webpage

Compliments email:

Complaints email:

Call: 01398 323665

Freedom Of Information Requests (FOI) and Environmental
Information Regulations requests (EIR)

Find information on our webpage

Call: 01398 323665

GDPR and data protection, subject access reports or write to The Data Protection Officer, Exmoor National Park Authority, Exmoor House, Dulverton, Somerset, TA22 9HL. Tel: 01398 323665

Contact a member of the Authority

See a full list of Authority members with their contact details

Jobs and work placements with ENPA or HR enquiries

View our ‘Working with us’ pages


Call: 01398 323665

Senior officers

Our senior manager organisation chart

General Enquiries

For general enquiries not covered above please phone 01398 323665 or email

Fly tipping

If you come across any fly tipping within the park boundary it is the legal responsibility of the local district council and Landowners. To report a fly tip please contact the relevant council below with as much information as possible.

North Devon Council

Somerset Council