Partnership Plan 2025 Consultation

The National Park Authority is required to prepare and keep under review a Management Plan for the area to deliver the statutory objectives of the National Park (our National Park Purposes and Duty). The Plan is for the National Park as a whole and involves many organisations and people, and so is called a Partnership Plan.

It describes the special qualities of the National Park and sets out:

  • The opportunities and challenges facing Exmoor
  • A long-term vision, ambitions and objectives, reflecting the Government’s vision and priorities for all National Parks, and demonstrates how Exmoor can help deliver these
  • Bold targets to focus partnership action on over the five-year timeframe of the Plan and beyond.

Following an extensive Public Opinion Survey (PDF) conducted in 2023, detailed evidence gathering, published in our State of the Park report (PDF) and consultation with key partners and stakeholders we have now published a DRAFT Exmoor National Park Partnership Plan 2025-2030.

Download the draft plan (PDF)

Climate Targets

The proposed targets for a net zero National Park and carbon sequestration  are based on evidence from the Carbon Footprint analysis undertaken for Exmoor National Park including land use targets Exmoor's Carbon Footprint | Exmoor

Cover of draft Exmoor National Park Partnership Plan 2025 -2030

Share your views on the draft plan

We have two surveys that can be completed to provide views on the draft plan:

  • Vision and Objectives The first survey focuses on the overall vision and the objectives set out in the plan.
  • Targets Survey The second survey allows you to consider the detailed targets set under each objective.

The deadline for responses is 10am, 10 March 2025.

If you require this plan in an alternative format, would like to request a hard copy of the survey forms, or have any queries on the consultation, please contact

While we encourage responses via the above surveys if you wish to submit any comments or views direct you may do so using the email above or writing to us at Exmoor House, Dulverton, TA22 9HL.

Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulation Assessment

As part of the development of the new Plan the draft has been subject to: