Member details
Type of Member | How Many? | How are they appointed? |
Parish | 5 | Five Parish members are appointed by the Secretary of State after they are elected by Parish Councils in the National Park. Parish members must be either a Parish Councillor or the Chairman of a Parish Meeting. Parish members are appointed to ensure that local people are involved in the running of the National Park; they are representatives of the local people in the National Park as a whole not just their own parish. Their term of office usually ends when parish council elections are held (every four years) unless there is a casual vacancy in the meantime. |
County Council | 10 | Local Authority members must be serving councillors of their appointing local authority (either Somerset Council or Devon County Council). The Environment Act requires the local authority to have regard to the desirability of appointing members who represent divisions or wards situated wholly or partly within the National Park boundary. They should also have relevant experience and close links to the National Park. Councillors must stand for re-election to their council every four years. The historic make-up of the National Park Authority changed following the formation of Somerset Council on 1 April 2023 8 x Somerset Council 2 x Devon Council |
District Council | 2 | Local Authority members must be serving councillors of their appointing local authority (North Devon Council). The Environment Act requires the local authority to have regard to the desirability of appointing members who represent divisions or wards situated wholly or partly within the National Park boundary. They should also have relevant experience and close links to the National Park. Councillors must stand for re-election to their council every four years. The historic make-up of the National Park Authority changed following the formation of Somerset Council on 1 April 2023 2 x North Devon Council |
Secretary of State | 5 | Five members are appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and are selected for their ability to represent a wider national viewpoint and for their specialist experience in relation to the particular character of the National Park. These Secretary of State appointed members are usually appointed for a period of four years but can be re-appointed, usually up to a maximum of eight years in total. Details will be included on the website when Secretary of State members are proposed to be appointed. |
Total | 22 |
Details of Members' interests can be found on each individual Member page - available to view here. The full Register of Members' Interests is available for inspection at the Authority's offices at Exmoor House, Dulverton, Somerset. For further information please contact the Corporate Support Officer at or 01398 323665.
Members' Allowances: Members receive an allowance and the Local Authorities (Members' Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 require the Authority to adopt a scheme of allowances before the start of each financial year: Details of the current Scheme of Members' Allowances can be found here.