Model Publication Scheme

This model publication scheme has been prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner.  It may be adopted without modification by any public authority without further approval and will be valid until further notice.

This publication scheme commits an authority to make information available to the public as part of its normal business activities.  The information contained is included in the classes of information mentioned below, where this information is held by the authority.  Additional assistance is provided to the definition of these classes in sector specific guidance manuals issued by the Information Commissioner.

Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts

General outline of your responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities of Senior Staff

Composition of the authority or board and any sub-committee

Staffing Structure

Organisational Structure

Map of the Area

Land and Assets | Exmoor ? is the only map ?

Gender pay gap reporting

  • Not applicable under 250 employees

Opportunities for volunteers

Location and contact details

Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit

Revenue and capital plans

  • ? would our budget fall in this category

Annual out-turn

Audited accounts

Staff pay and grading structure

  • ? do we have anything on website

Staff and members' allowances and expenses

Income from grant and other sources

  • ? do we have anything on website

Procurement procedure

Lists of contracts awarded and their value

Financial regulations

  • Financial Regulations

Specific requirements for certain authorities

TU facility time reporting

  • N/A – The Authority does not employ a Union representative

Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews

? are better to link to the specific areas specified in the model scheme or link broader areas of the website such as  Key Documents | Exmoor 

Corporate plan

Local Plan

Site management plans

Action plans

Performance reports

Annual report or review

Data protection impact assessments

Any other impact assessments

Decision making processes and records of decisions

Agendas and meetings of meetings and any sub-committee meetings

Planning studies

Publicly available reports

Records of important decisions

Public consultations

Current written protocols, policies  and procedures  for delivering our services and responsibilities

Policies and procedures for conducting business

Policies and procedures for the provision of services

Policies and procedures for the recruitment and employment of staff

Pay policy statement

Conservation strategies

Planning policy

Customer service and complaints policies and procedures

Internal instructions, manuals and guidance

Records management, personal data and access to information policies

Charging regimes and policies

Public registers and registers held as public records

Asset registers and information asset register


Disclosure logs

Register of gifts and hospitality provided to members of the authority and senior personnel

Any register of interests kept in the authority

Other lists required by law

Information about the services you offer including leaflets, guidance and newsletters


Services for which the department is entitled to recover a fee or toll together with those fees or tolls

Social, geographical and historical details

Educational services

Access and accessibility

Camp sites , car parks and public toilets

Forestry and tree preservation

Cultural heritage

Visitors, walks and tourist information

Advice and guidance

Leaflets,, newsletters and booklets

Media releases