Exmoor National Park Authority works in partnership with a number of different groups.

Further details of these partnership groups can be found here.

The role of the Partnership Plan Groups is detailed below:

Landscape Advisory Group (LAG)

Role: ‘The Landscape Advisory Group’s role is to monitor and have strategic oversight of the priorities, ambitions and actions outlined in the Partnership Plan of Exmoor National Park Authority in delivering the conservation and enhancement of the distinctive characteristics, qualities and condition of Exmoor’s diverse landscapes. With broad representation from key partner organisations, the LAG supports, reviews and challenges the Authority’s holistic delivery of the landscape related actions seeking to conserve and enhance the National Park’s outstanding natural and cultural landscapes’.

Exmoor Local Access Forum (ELAF)

Role: The purpose of the Exmoor Local Access Forum (ELAF) is to provide advice to Exmoor National Park Authority and other specified bodies on how to improve “public access to land in the area for the purposes of open-air recreation and the enjoyment of the area”, (section 94 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act), in ways which address social, economic and environmental interests.The Exmoor Local Access Forum has a remit to advise on and identify potential for strategic programmes, projects, policies that may be relevant towards improving and increasing access to increase and improve access to, and enjoyment of, open spaces, public rights of way and the general countryside in Exmoor National Park.  The Forum provides an arena within which to raise strategic issues, exchange ideas and share good practice and experiences.

Historic Environment Advisory Group (HEAG)

The Historic Environment Advisory Group provides strategic advice for the development and delivery of the priorities and actions in the Partnership Plan and monitors progress against the plan and the Historic Environment Research Framework. The group is a means of communication between different stakeholders with an interest in the historic environment on Exmoor and reviews current issues, opportunities, work and research relating to the Historic Environment on Exmoor including its interpretation. The group consists of members from local and regional societies, statutory bodies, local authorities, academics and researchers.

Nature Conservation Advisory Panel (NCAP)

The Nature Conservation Advisory Panel helps to guide the delivery of the wildlife ambition identified in the Partnership Plan to ensure that ‘Exmoor is richer in wildlife. Habitats are in good condition, expanded, connected, and support a greater abundance of species’. With very broad support from key partner organisations, landowners and managers, NCAP has a remit to advise on and identify potential for strategic programmes, projects and polices relevant to the wildlife ambition to bring about nature recovery on Exmoor. The Panel provides an arena to raise strategic issues, exchange ideas, challenge current thinking and share good practice and experiences. It reports to a wider group of conservation organisations, local interest groups and individuals, for example, through the Exmoor Wildlife newsletter, an annual Wildlife Forum, website and social media.

Exmoor Tourism Network

The Exmoor Tourism Network meets twice a year bringing together a range of partners involved in the visitor economy and supporting the development of sustainable tourism within Exmoor. The network provides an opportunity for sharing of best practice, disseminating research and considering collaborative actions which contribute to the sustainable tourism ambitions detailed in the National Park Partnership Plan. The group includes representatives from the National Park, Visit Exmoor, local tourism groups and information centres and neighbouring DMOs covering Devon and Somerset.

Rural Enterprise Exmoor Steering Group

The Rural Enterprise Exmoor steering group acts as a partnership plan group to provide advice and support to the fulfilment of the Partnership Plan ambition for a strong local economy. In particular the group seeks to encourage opportunities for economic development that benefit from and contribute to Exmoor’s designation as a National Park. The steering group includes representatives from the District and County Council economic development teams, as well as representatives of business support organisations.

Learning and Engagement Network

To monitor and have strategic oversight of activities and action plans emerging from the Exmoor National Park Partnership Plan relating to education, learning, outreach and volunteering programmes.

The Woodland and Forestry Advisory Group (WFAG)

Role: The Woodland and Forestry Advisory Group (WFAG) draws its membership from across the spectrum of woodland and forestry interests on Exmoor including landowners, contractors, wood using businesses, conservation bodies, public, private and charitable sector organisations. Its purposes are to promote the environmental, economic and social importance of Exmoor’s woodland, be the authoritative advisory body for woodland and forestry on Exmoor, provide strategic overview of the woodland actions in the current Partnership Plan and to develop Policies, Actions and plans for future plans and initiatives and to provide a forum to share knowledge, good practice and information.

Rivers and Streams Group

The Rivers and Streams Group brings together various interests in the riparian environment to share information about the current state of Exmoor’s rivers and streams. Members of the group are directly involved in research into river quality and the issues affecting it. The Group also enables a perspective beyond the boundaries of the National Park.

Exmoor Rural Housing Network

Role: The Network recognises the need for affordable housing on Exmoor, and the difficulties associated with its delivery, on Exmoor - as well as in other rural areas across the country.  The aim of the Network is to find solutions that work for Exmoor, by supporting a locally managed and delivered programme for local needs rural housing.  It brings together a group of organisations/individuals with a broad range of experiences in order to share information and ideas in a collaborative way that will help provide and improve access to housing on Exmoor for local people.

Exmoor Moorland and Farming Board

Role: The Board is made up of farmers, land managers, commoners, wildlife, landscape and archaeological interests and others who have a particular interest in moorlands and farming.  Its role is to provide guidance and strategic direction to the National Park Authority on moorland management and farming.  Over recent years it has worked on a number of projects and initiatives including lobbying Government to ensure better recognition of the public benefits provided by moorland and farming, raising issues around the changes to moorland, and considering the impact of changing national funding and policy for land management.