Image Library

Welcome to Exmoor Commons
Exmoor Commons is a source of free-to-use imagery featuring Exmoor National Park, provided by the generosity of local photographers sharing their images. The library gives access to high-quality photography to individuals and businesses in the National Park.
Please read the rules and the Frequently Asked Questions below to discover how you can utilise these images, and be sure to remember to credit the photographer.
Image Credit: Shaun Davey
Frequently Asked Questions
By downloading imagery you confirm that you have read, understood and will comply with the License and the Group Rules. The FAQs below cover the main points but please refer to the formal rules and licence details within the Exmoor Commons site.
- Where are the photos? The photos are within the ExmoorNP channel on Flickr in a 'group' called Exmoor Commons. You do not need to have an account, sign in on Flickr or join the group. You can access the group Exmoor Commons and download the photos using the link below.
- Is there a charge? No. You can use these photos in your marketing for free.
- Do I need to credit the photographer? Yes, please state clearly 'Image by [contributor name] via Exmoor Commons'.
- Can I use the photos on my website? Yes. You must credit the photographer.
- Can I use the photos on my social media? Yes. You must credit the photographer.
- Can I use the photos on my printed marketing literature? Yes. You must credit the photographer.
- Can I use the photos on items I produce for sale? No. In these circumstances you will need to ask the photographer for permission and there will probably be a charge.
- Is there a limit to how many photos I can use? You can download and use as many photos as you like. There are over 900 photos available to chose from.
- Can I edit the photos? Only very small alterations are permitted such as slight cropping, lightening or darkening of the image intended to improve its reproduction in your medium (eg. digital or print).
- Can I search the Exmoor Commons library? Yes. The images are all captioned and have keywords, so can be searched. Click on the small magnifying glass just above the photos and then enter your search term in the search bar.
- Can I use photos I find in other albums on the Flickr platform? Not necessarily. You will need to carefully check the permissions for each photo before using. There is however an additional library from ENPA called ExmoorNP which is also available for your use in similar circumstances.
- I have another question about using the photos. Who should I contact? In the first instance, please read the Exmoor Commons rules which include detailed terms and conditions. If that does not answer your question, please email
Our grateful thanks to the local photographers who have generously shared their images in this way. Please do support them: