New Chair announced for Exmoor National Park
Exmoor National Park Authority Members have elected Andrea Davis to replace Robin Milton as the new Chairman. Robin, having served the maximum number of consecutive years in the role, has now been elected Deputy Chair.
Andrea has been Chairman and Deputy Chair previously; she is also a member of Exmoor Consultative and Parish Forum and a Devon County Councillor.
Steven Pugsley remains as Deputy Chairman (Planning).
Andrea said: “I am extremely proud to be elected as Chairman of the National Park and will do my utmost for the people who visit, live and work in this unique part of the world.
Having brought up my family here on Exmoor and been a proactive part its communities for many years, in my time as a local and county councillor I have always had a real passion for Exmoor National Park. As Chairman, I will continue to work hard to lead the work of the Authority in delivering the statutory purposes of conserving and enhancing its special wildlife, natural beauty and heritage, and helping people to understand and enjoy all that Exmoor has to offer.”
The outgoing Chair Robin Milton is stepping down after six years at the helm, but looks forward to continuing to serve the authority as Vice Chair (Robin is a local uplands farmer, ex-Chairman NFU Hill and Upland Farming Forum, Deputy Chairman Upland Alliance, Devon Local Nature Partnership board member, Foundation for Common Land FCL trustee).
Robin said: “It’s been a privilege to serve those who live and work in Exmoor National Park over the past six years, I look back on my time as Chairman with great pride and know that my successor will continue that work with dedication and integrity. I’m delighted that Andrea has been elected as Chairman. The governmental remit for delivery for National Parks has never been wider, and the challenges never greater. From issues concerning climate change, biodiversity, and the future of farming and land management; to ensuring everyone has the opportunity to enjoy Exmoor National Park and the health and wellbeing benefits it provides.
Andrea has been a much-respected Member of the Authority for some time and her experience will be invaluable in taking the Authority forward into the future, balancing the needs of Exmoor farming and businesses, conserving its landscape and heritage, whilst delivering National Park purposes.
“Having Steven remaining as Deputy Chairman (Planning) offers a strong team to lead the Authority going forward, ensuring that the interests of Exmoor’s communities are well represented.”
For more info on how Exmoor National Park is run, ENPA members and their role, visit:
Exmoor - About Exmoor National Park Authority (