Wildflowers sown on Exmoor Carparks

Exmoor National Park Authority (ENPA) has been sowing wildflower seeds and planting plug plants around its carparks and other areas of ENPA owned land across Devon and Somerset, at places like Tarr Steps, Haddon Hill, Ashcombe, and Exford.


Volunteers and staff have also been busy scything grassland at Ashcombe gardens and sowing the patch with wildflower seed. It’s all part of a wider ENPA initiative ‘Exmoor’s Sowing the Seeds Project’ to restore wildflower meadows.

Lucy Cornwall Sowing the Seed Project Officer with ENPA said:

“We thought making our public spaces bloom with wildflowers is a wonderful way to show that even a small space can be a habitat for wildlife, and a lovely way to greet our many welcome visitors to Exmoor.

“As well as projects on our own land, we’ve been working with 64 landowners, schools and community groups to restore, rejuvenate, and create wildflower meadows across over 360 hectares. We are setting up a wildflower nursery to propagate meadow plant species and become a community growing hub. Diversity of plant species benefits everything in the ecosystem from insects to soil. 97 per cent of our wildflower meadows have disappeared since 1930's, but we are excited to be slowly bringing back more species.”

Your donations to CareMoor help us work with communities across Exmoor to create and restore species-rich grasslands.

We would love to hear from anyone interested in meadow creation at any scale, from back gardens to farmland fields.

You can get more information on the project here