CareMoor Business Champions Unite to Support Exmoor

CareMoor for Exmoor Champions are those businesses that are proactively supporting CareMoor to help keep Exmoor special.

Lynmouth Holiday Retreat Cheque

Over the last 6 months we have welcomed the following businesses on board as CareMoor for Exmoor Champions.

  • Tors Park - give a regular donation of £50 per month
  • Woolf Clothing - will donate £1 for every item of clothing sold through their website
  • Lynmouth Holiday Retreat - ask their customers to donate £1 to CareMoor every time they book a stay with them

You can find all of our CareMoor Business Champions listed within our Rural Enterprise Exmoor Business directory.

Support from Champions help us to keep Exmoor special providing vital support for conservation and access works. We thank every one of them!

Read more in our Guide to Becoming a CareMoor for Exmoor Champion