Exmoor Events Calendar

18th March 2024

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The Women of Hoar Oak Cottage


A fascinating insight into the women that lived and worked at this isolated farmhouse from Elizabeth Vellacott in 1810 right through to Gertie Antell in the 1960’s. What was it like living without the benefits of running water, electricity or gas, plumbing or telephone or a road that could be used by a motorised vehicle.

Contact phone 01598 752509 Contact email NPCLynmouth@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Timberscombe Cricket Club Talk

An old photo of some people
A Talk on the History of Timberscombe Cricket Club by Bruce lang

Bruce Lang will give a talk based on over 50 years of playing village cricket in Timberscombe and Wootton Courtenay which will be of interest to past, present and potential players!
The meeting will start at 7pm on Monday 18th March 2024 and last until 8pm.
The church offers a hearing loop, ramp entry, a partially accessible toilet and light refreshments.
Members are due to pay their annual membership at this meeting £10, and £1 per meeting. Visitors £4.
Enquiries marion@j-mail.org 01643 841500

Contact phone 01643 841500 Contact email mailto:marion@j-mail.org