Exmoor Events Calendar

May 2024

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Ann Hyde Art Exhibition

From Watercolours, acrylics and, her favourite medium Oils, Ann captures the atmosphere of the day with her artworks. Preferring to paint 'en plein air’ Ann admits there is no better way to capture the scene than being there in person. Her art shows this with atmosphere and light, saying even on an overcast day there can be contrasts.

Ann can often be seen setting up her easel at various locations around Exmoor National Park. Exmoor itself offers so many different challenges with landscapes, seascapes and wildlife.

Contact phone 01598 752509 Contact email NPCLynmouth@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Dunster Outback Walk

Join a guided walk leader and explore the picturesque landscape around Dunster.

A 2-2.5hr/4 mile guided walk, taking in the historical sites of Dunster village and the breathtaking views above the village from the ancient hillforts of Grabbist Hill and Bat’s Castle.

Accessibility: The walk route includes some steep inclines, over uneven ground. A moderate level of fitness is required.

Please ensure you bring suitable outdoor clothing and walking boots.

Dogs on short leads allowed.

Booking recommended.

Free event - donations welcome (for the CareMoor for Exmoor scheme supporting heritage, nature and access projects on Exmoor).

Contact phone 01643 821835 Contact email NPCDunster@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Around the Chains

Around the Chains
Join our Walk Leader Steve Key for a 6 mile walk.

The walk takes you up to Chains Barrow then past Pinkery Pond to Wood Barrow before heading south along the Tarka Trail to Sloley Stone. From there we head northeast past Mole’s Chamber to the B3588 and the lay-by. Along the way you learn the history of this part of what was The Royal Forest of Exmoor. Bring a picnic!

Distance: 6 miles
Difficulty: Strenuous walk
Dogs: Welcome on a lead

Please note that all of our walks are free but you can opt to purchase tickets for £5 or £10 to support the organisation and delivery of the walk.

Book online at Around the Chains Guided Walk - 6 Miles Strenuous - Exmoor Walks (exmoorsociety.com)

Or visit our office at 23 Fore Street Dulverton Somerset TA22 9EX, or call us on 01398 323335

Office opening hours; Monday to Thursday, 10am to 4pm

Contact phone 01398 323335 Contact email karen.cunningham@exmoorsociety.com

Painting Holiday

Exmoor valleys, quaint villages &; harbour scenes - Chris Forsey

Each day you will visit a different painting location. Everything is included from full board, tuition, lunch and drinks throughout the day. The holidays are relaxed and informal with small groups. You will be sure to have a lot of fun. Guests need to bring their own art materials. Easels, boards & chairs are available.

Contact phone 01643831259 Contact email enquiries@simonsbathhousehotel.co.uk

Parracombe Arts and Literary Festival 2024

Workshops, walks, talks, theatre, music and film.

Parracombe is hosting its first arts and literary festival, including workshops, walks, talks, theatre, music and film, all taking place between the two bank holidays in May. Highlights include Daily Telegraph writer Eleanor Steafel talking about her ABC of cookery, author Luke Aylen is part of our writer's workshop, unpacking the three big components for fiction writing: setting, characters, and plot-types while Annie Garthwaite discusses her novel 'Cecily', focussing on one of England's greatest medieval women. There's plenty more on the schedule, too. Don't miss it. Tickets range from £15 to free

Contact phone 07966486743 Contact email westcoastnews@btinternet.com

Westermill Farm

Join walk leaders Jill and Oliver Edwards walking along the Exe Valley

The walk goes beside the river Exe climbing to a viewpoint with views of moorland and Exe Cleeve. Walk to the top of the farm including an ancient standing stone. Walking back to farmhouse takes in silage fields or ewes with lambs, cows with calves depending on the time of the year, plus the top sheds for housing cattle. Finish at the sheep shed and holiday cottages and ending with tea and cake in the garden. Great for families!

Distance: 2 miles
Difficulty: Moderate walk
Dogs: Welcome on a lead

Booking info

Please note that all of our walks are free but you can opt to purchase tickets for £5 or £10 to support the organisation and delivery of the walk.
Book online at Westermill Farm Guided Walk - Exmoor Walks (exmoorsociety.com)

Or visit our office at 23 Fore Street Dulverton Somerset TA22 9EX, or call us on 01398 323335

Office opening hours; Monday to Thursday, 10am to 4pm

Contact phone 01398 323335 Contact email karen.cunningham@exmoorsociety.com

Rockpooling with a Ranger

Join Exmoor National Park Rangers to explore the rockpools of Lynmouth.

We will hunt for anemones, crabs, sea sponges and all sorts of other marine critters. With our knowledgeable rangers as your guide, you will learn more about the diversity of life on our shores and gain the skills to carry on rockpooling in your own time. All equipment provided including identification guides, nets and buckets. The site is exposed so please remember sun cream and water (filling station in Lynmouth near the toilets). Sandals or waterproof shoes are useful but not essential. Everyone welcome!

Contact phone 07970099116 Contact email cwray@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Lynmouth Flood Talk and Walk

Guided walk

A half hour presentation looking at 1950’s film and photograph of the Lynmouth Flood Disaster followed by a gentle stroll around the village to look for signs of the Flood and how it changed the Village. A free event with donations to CareMoor for Exmoor appreciated.

Contact phone 01598752509 Contact email NPCLynmouth@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Painting Holiday

Exmoor valleys, quaint villages & harbour scenes - Peter Cronin

Each day you will visit a different painting location. Everything is included from full board, tuition, lunch and drinks throughout the day. The holidays are relaxed and informal with small groups. You will be sure to have a lot of fun. Guests need to bring their own art materials. Easels, boards & chairs are available.

Contact phone 01643831259 Contact email enquiries@simonsbathhousehotel.co.uk

Simonsbath Festival 2024

A church
Simonsbath, Exmoor
Celebrating Music, Art, Talks & Walks on Exmoor from May Day to Midsummer

Simonsbath Festival is a non profit making community festival which celebrates all things Exmoor in the six weeks between May Day and Midsummer. In the spirit of diversity the festival offers a variety of events and activities including talks, classical, folk and jazz music. The festival also collaborates with partners The Exmoor Society and the Exmoor Running and Walking Festival whose events showcase properties and locations on Exmoor that are not easily viewed from public roads. You can find more details of these collaborative activities in the events section of this website. They give an unrivaled insight into Exmoor countryside, its heritage, life and people.

Contact phone Marian Lloyd - 01643 831451 Contact email philip.hull@simonsbathfestival.org.uk

A Walk through Dunster's History

Join a guided walk leader and explore the picturesque landscape village Dunster.

A 2hr guided walk around a village steeped in history.

Accessibility: The walk route includes some gentle inclines around the village lanes and passes over some uneven ground towards the end of the route. The route can be adapted - if you have a particular mobility requirement please contact Dunster National Park Centre prior to booking for further information.

Please ensure you bring suitable outdoor clothing and stout footwear.

Dogs on short leads allowed.

Booking recommended.

Free event - donations welcome for the CareMoor for Exmoor scheme supporting heritage, nature and access projects on Exmoor.

Contact phone 01643 821835 Contact email NPCDunster@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Dawn Chorus Bird Walk

Join a local bird enthusiast bright and early on a guided walk around Ashcombe Gardens, Simonsbath to hear the delights of an Exmoor Dawn Chorus.

Listen to the symphony of birdsong and learn how to identify the different species.
Ideal for beginners and those with some knowledge of birds.

Booking essential. £5 per person with proceeds going to CareMoor for Exmoor supporting heritage, nature and access projects on Exmoor.

Contact phone 07970 099127 Contact email JKiberd@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Cliff Railway Day Steampunk Gathering

Photo of some people in Steampunk outfits
The annual Steampunk & Victorian gathering in the towns of Lynton & Lynmouth

Mad as Hops Nanty Narking, Music & Entertainment to get you proper mafficking! FREE Cliff Railway travel for Steampunk Travellers, Visiting Victorians and Pastime Pirates in their finery! Put a smile on your gigglemug & join us for this celebration of Steampunk and Victorian inventiveness, normal Cliff Railway ticket pricing applies for those not dressed up. Suitable for families of all ages and Dogs welcome. Entertainment, markets, Music and performance from 10am. No need to book - just turn up.

Contact phone 01598 753486

Ralegh's Cross Short Walk

An old sepia photo of the mineral line
Walk from Ralegh's Cross Inn, exploring the mineral railway.

Iron mined in the Brendons  in the 19th century was transported to Watchet on a well engineered railway. This is a three hour walk from Ralegh's Cross Inn, exploring old Brendon Village, the iron mines, the Winding house and the remains of the mineral railway still visible in the Brendon Hills. It includes part of the Incline: steep, spectacular, but optional. Booking essential.

Contact phone 01984 634177 Contact email drwthw@gmail.com

Natural History Walk

Meet at our centre at Porlock Weir for a two hour stroll

An easy paced stroll to explore and discover the wildlife of the wonderful habitats and landscape around Porlock Weir.

Contact phone 01643 863124 Contact email ruthehyett@gmail.com

The Golden Horseshoe Endurance Ride 2024

Horse rider
Horse ride

The Golden Horseshoe ride, held annually in Exford, Somerset, in the very heart of the Exmoor National Park, is the UK’s oldest competitive endurance ride.  The first Golden Horseshoe Ride, sponsored by the Telegraph, was organised on Exmoor in 1965 and then in subsequent years at different venues throughout the country, before returning permanently to Exford in 1974.  Over the years the 'Golden Horseshoe' has increased in stature to become one of the ultimate ‘bucket-list’ endurance rides (as listed by Horse and Hound Magazine) and it gives a welcome pre-season boost to inhabitants of the National Park who earn their living from tourism.

​Historically the ride has been the preserve of the top echelon of competitive endurance riding, requiring a very fit horse and an experienced rider to cope with a ride often made more challenging by the weather.  Over the last 10 years, Ride Organisers Barbara Wigley and then more recently Jo and Andrew Chisholm have worked hard to broaden the ride’s appeal, particularly to non-endurance riders and grass-roots endurance riders. This has been done with the introduction of a non-competitive pleasure ride which, in recent years, has been a sell-out and the Exmoor Experience two-day event which gives riders at lower levels the chance to participate and sample “Horseshoe country”.  Shelley and Maggie hope to continue that legacy whilst rebuilding the appeal of the challenge of the top classes to our high level riders and those that want to aspire to achieve the very pinnacle of the sport.

As well as the ultimate in endurance riding, the annual fun dog show has proved to be a big success and will be held once again in 2024.

Spectators are welcome.

Contact phone 07760 264619 / 07980 653457 Contact email ghs2023@onthehoofdt.co.uk

Stargazing at the Poltimore Inn Observatory, North Molton

Stargazing event at one of Exmoor's Dark Sky Hubs

Using the purpose built observatory telescopes under expert astronomer guidance. This event also has the option of a pub meal as well as an overnight/weekend stay in one of the beautifully appointed observatory lodges.

Contact phone 01598 740338 Contact email contact@thepoltimoreinnnorthmolton.co.uk

Lyn Nature Watch Day

Find out how you can learn, discover and record the wildlife around you

Join us for a series of events celebrating the wildlife of the local area around Lynton and Lynmouth. The day’s events include a rockpool safari, Butterflies and Flowers of the Lyn Valley – an illustrated talk, Build a Picture of Exmoor’s wildlife – how to use Seek and iNaturalist, followed by an afternoon Wildlife Walk along the River Lyn.

For more information see our Lyn Nature Watch events on Eventbrite. Free events. Booking recommended.

Contact phone 07970 099127 Contact email JKiberd@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Porlock Weir Beach Clean

Photo of a beach clean
Join Plastic Free Exmoor for a beach clean at Porlock Weir on Saturday May 18th from 10am to 12noon. At the beach clean we will be cleaning the area from the weir to the breach on Porlock Beach and the ridge to Gore Point.

We will be meeting at Porlock Weir Car Park (TA24 8PD) ready for a 10am start.

Collecting bags and litter pickers will be provided but please bring along old gardening gloves. Much of this beach clean will be along the pebble and shingle ridge. This can be challenging to walk on, so stout shoes are advised.

This event is a Surfers Against Sewage Million Mile Clean event and is supported by Porlock Manor Estate, Exmoor Adventures and Litter Free Coast and Sea Somerset.
To register for this event or if you require any additional information please contact plasticfreeexmoor@gmail.com

Further details can be found on the Plastic Free Communities in West Somerset Facebook page.

Contact email plasticfreeexmoor@gmail.com

Walking Book Club: The House of Broken Bricks with Fiona Williams

If you love reading and enjoy walking, then this could be just the book club you have been seeking...

Join author Fiona Williams for a walk & talk in the woods of Exmoor.

The House of Broken Bricks is Faber’s lead debut title for 2024 and set on the Somerset Levels where Fiona lives with her family having moved from south-east London.

‘Ain’t nothing wrong with being broken. Nothing at all. You’re like these houses, not a whole brick in em and look how strong they are.

As Tess traces the sunrise over the floodplains, light that paints the house a startling crimson, she yearns for the comforting chaos of life as it once was. Instead of Max and Sonny tracking dirt through the kitchen – Tess and Richard’s ‘rainbow twins’ – Tess absorbs the quiet. The nights draw in, the soil cools and Richard fights to get his winter crops planted rather than deal with the discussion he cannot bear to have.’

“Shocking and powerful. . . This is the best kind of storytelling.” Victoria Hislop

Fiona holds a BSc (Hons) in biological sciences from the University of Westminster and an MA with distinction in creative writing from Bath Spa University. Winner of the 2021 Bridport Prize, Peggy Chapman-Andrews First Novel Award she is currently completing a PhD in creative writing at the University of Exeter.

“I wanted to tell the story of a Black Londoner who moves to a farming village with her husband and attempts to raise their ten-year-old fraternal twins of different colours – is it possible for her to find belonging and love in a rural landscape?”

A level of walking fitness is required, please dress appropriately and do bring a blanket or cushion to sit on - we walk in all weathers. SORRY NO DOGS ON THIS SPECIAL AUTHOR EVENT.

Walk, Talk + Book £22 (rrp £14.99 HB) or Walk & Talk £12.00

Contact phone 01398 324457 Contact email info@sevenfables.co.uk

History and Restoration of Cowbridge Sawmill

Cowbridge Mill
St Petrock’s Church, Timberscombe

An illustrated talk by MARTIN BOOTH Volunteer Restorer and Friend of this mill. St Petrock’s Church, Timberscombe Annual membership due at this meeting £10 (if not paid March) Members £1 Visitors £4. Light refreshments provided

Dunster Festival 2024

Classical music

Dunster Festival returns for 2024 with a feast of chamber and choral music across the last weekend in May in St George's Church and Dunster's historic Tithe Barn.

Artists include internationally-renowned vocal ensemble The Marian Consort; BBC Radio 3 award-winning percussionist Delia Stevens; and three-time BBC Radio 2 Folk Musician of the Year nominee, Will Pound. Three days of events and performances of classical, folk and contemporary music, including a free family performance at East Quay in Watchet, late-night candlelit concert, and choral workshop for local singers.

“World-class chamber music in the medieval village of Dunster” The Observer

More information and tickets available from the Dunster Festival website.

Contact phone 07752418533 Contact email rory@dunsterfestival.co.uk

Exmoor Festival of Nature

Photo of boy with binoculors
An enormous outdoor day of free nature activities.

Come and join us at Nettlecombe Court for the Exmoor Festival of Nature on Saturday the 25th of May 2024 to celebrate Exmoor’s wonderful world of wildlife! One ENORMOUS outdoor day of free nature activities, stalls and screenings, food and drink, and special guest talks.

There will be something for everyone with a host of exciting national and local organisations on site to inspire visitors with the marvels of the natural world. No booking required - just turn up!

Exhibitors include - Butterfly Conservation Trust, Devon Wildlife Trust, Exmoor National Park, Exmoor Natural History Society, Exmoor Rivers and Streams, Geckoella, Roots and Feathers, Sea Watch Foundation, Somerset Rare Plants Group, Somerset Wildlife Trust, The National Trust, Watchet Hedgehogs, Wivey Grows and the Woodland Play Centre. (More to be announced soon).

As well as hands on and interactive activities from our exhibitors there will also be a jam-packed line up of interesting talks happening throughout the day, workshops to take part in and fantastic music and entertainment from artists, musicians, and performers to enjoy.

The Exmoor Festival of Nature is organised by the Exmoor Society, for more information visit www.exmoorsociety.com or check out the festivals facebook page for regular updates.

Contact phone 07805428517 Contact email frankie.wright@exmoorsociety.com

Childrens Crafting

Children's crafting table

Bookmarks, greeting card making, and colouring activities with lots of pencils, crayons, felt tips and stickers to keep your little ones amused during the Easter holidays. (Donations requested)

Contact phone 01598 752509 Contact email NPCLynmouth@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Dulverton Farmers Market

Showcasing the best produce and crafts from Exmoor, Devon and Somerset.

Visit Dulverton’s Farmers Market on the last Saturday of the month – April to September – from 10am to 2.30pm in the Lion Stables Car Park in the heart of the town.

Showcasing the best produce and crafts from Exmoor, Devon and Somerset – including home-reared meat, local cheese, Exmoor-brewed ales, delicious jams and chutneys, and even Dulverton-distilled spirits!  You’ll find local craftspeople here too, selling belts, bags, baskets, books, photographs and more. Refreshments and live entertainment too. Treat yourself to a great day out and discover Dulverton Farmers Market!

For more information visit the Farmers Market page of the Visit Dulverton website.

Contact phone 07785 901017 Contact email hello@visitdulverton.com

Pop-up Lynmouth Flood talks

Pop-up Lynmouth Flood talks

A 10-minute illustrated talk on the Lynmouth Flood Disaster followed by 10 minutes of historical film from the time.
A chance to learn what happened and how it changed the village. No need to book. (Donations requested). Not Mondays

Contact phone 01598 752509 Contact email NPCLynmouth@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Story Telling Session for families

Bosun Bob
Exmoor National Park Centre in Dunster, Dunster Steep, TA24 6SE

Meet the author of "Bosun Bob (The Salty Old Sea Dog)" at the Exmoor National Park Centre in Dunster on Saturday May 25th. Join us from 2pm to 3.30pm as Erin Allgrove reads her book and answers questions. Erin will also sign copies of the book, which will be available to purchase from the centre. Free event. No need to book. Contact 01643 821835 for further information.

Contact phone 01643 821835

'Dulverton Sounds' Music Festival

Come to Dulverton to enjoy a fun filled day of music of all genres.

In marquees on the beautiful Exmoor Lawns in the heart of the town, beside the River Barle.

Enjoy classical music, the big band sound, swing, jazz and a shanty band; sing along to tunes from the pop divas, country & western; and choose from a great mixture of refreshment stalls too.

There’ll even be a chill out tent where you can play your own folk music with friends.

Contact phone 07785 901017 Contact email hello@visitdulverton.com

Dunster Festival 2024

Classical music

Dunster Festival returns for 2024 with a feast of chamber and choral music across the last weekend in May in St George's Church and Dunster's historic Tithe Barn.

Artists include internationally-renowned vocal ensemble The Marian Consort; BBC Radio 3 award-winning percussionist Delia Stevens; and three-time BBC Radio 2 Folk Musician of the Year nominee, Will Pound. Three days of events and performances of classical, folk and contemporary music, including a free family performance at East Quay in Watchet, late-night candlelit concert, and choral workshop for local singers.

“World-class chamber music in the medieval village of Dunster” The Observer

More information and tickets available from the Dunster Festival website.

Contact phone 07752418533 Contact email rory@dunsterfestival.co.uk

Porlock Duck Race

Photo of a rubber Duck Race
A great family fun day of Duck Racing

Porlock Duck Race. Come and join in for a great family fun day of Duck Racing. Ten races plus a grand finale. Name your duck and watch it race through the obstacles. Great prizes to be won. Licensed bar, BBQ, Tea and Cakes and Ice creams . Free Admission and Parking. Visit: www.porlockcarnival.co.uk for updates.

Contact phone 07922024522 Contact email sapproctor@yahoo.co.uk

Dunster Festival 2024

Classical music

Dunster Festival returns for 2024 with a feast of chamber and choral music across the last weekend in May in St George's Church and Dunster's historic Tithe Barn.

Artists include internationally-renowned vocal ensemble The Marian Consort; BBC Radio 3 award-winning percussionist Delia Stevens; and three-time BBC Radio 2 Folk Musician of the Year nominee, Will Pound. Three days of events and performances of classical, folk and contemporary music, including a free family performance at East Quay in Watchet, late-night candlelit concert, and choral workshop for local singers.

“World-class chamber music in the medieval village of Dunster” The Observer

More information and tickets available from the Dunster Festival website.

Contact phone 07752418533 Contact email rory@dunsterfestival.co.uk

Brayford Duck Race

Photo of a rubber Duck Race
A fun day for all the family

A fun day for all the family with cream teas, ice creams, hot dogs, plus various stalls as well as a Family Dog Show (Pedigree, Family and Obedience classes).  
Come and enjoy the fun, or sit and enjoy listening to the local jazz band.
Duck Race prizes £50, £25, £10 and other Prizes.
Dog Show  :  1.00pm    
Duck Race  :  2.00pm
Ducks in river:  3:30pm

Contact phone 01598 710377 Contact email janejeyes@hotmail.com

Rockpooling with a Ranger

Join Exmoor National Park Rangers to explore the rockpools of Lynmouth.

We will hunt for anemones, crabs, sea sponges and all sorts of other marine critters. With our knowledgeable rangers as your guide, you will learn more about the diversity of life on our shores and gain the skills to carry on rockpooling in your own time. All equipment provided including identification guides, nets and buckets. The site is exposed so please remember sun cream and water (filling station in Lynmouth near the toilets). Sandals or waterproof shoes are useful but not essential. Everyone welcome!

Contact phone 07970099116 Contact email cwray@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Hidden Porlock

An opportunity to explore the hidden treasures and history of Porlock Village.

Meet at Porlock Visitor Centre TA24 8QD.

Advisable to book. Donations appreciated.  Proceeds to CareMoor Exmoor and Porlock Visitor Centre. For more info and to book Tel: 01643 863150 or email: visit@porlock.co.uk

Contact phone 01643 863150 Contact email visit@porlock.co.uk

Woods and Trees Talk

Talk and walk about trees

Join Graeme McVittie and Robin Offer, from Exmoor National Park Authority, for an informative session about the establishment of a new woodland at Simonsbath, named Kings Wood.

Followed by an optional walk to the Kings Wood site and a visit to Simonsbath Sawmill hosted by Three Atop.

Don't forget to book your lunch direct with Simonsbath House Hotel or Exmoor Forest Inn available prior to the talk.  Every lunch booked will support CareMoor further so please advise when booking lunch that you are attending the talk afterwards.

All money from ticket sales will go directly to the CareMoor Woods and Trees appeal.

Contact phone 01398 322211