Exmoor Events Calendar

7th August 2024

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Childrens Crafting

Children's crafting table

Bookmarks, greeting card making, and colouring activities with lots of pencils, crayons, felt tips and stickers to keep your little ones amused during the summer holidays. (Donations requested)

Contact phone 01598 752509 Contact email NPCLynmouth@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Moorland Mousie Exmoor Pony Exhibition


The Moorland Mousie Trust exists to promote and protect all aspects of registered Exmoor ponies, on Exmoor, throughout the UK and abroad. We want to ensure the continued survival of free-living Exmoor pony herds on Exmoor, nationally and internationally.

Contact phone 01598 752509 Contact email NPCLynmouth@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Music Holiday Week in Dunster

A photo of the Yarn Market Hotel in Dunster
A 7 night break with tutored workshops for singers and musicians.

The Yarn Market Hotel in Dunster, based within Exmoor National Park, hosts a 7 night holiday break on a full board basis with tutored workshops for singers and players of instruments by our regular choir leader Robyn Sevastos B.Mus, ARCM and conductor Mark Fitz-Gerald ARCM. The week has a programme of activities including walks, excursions, guests concerts, and an outdoor performance in Dunster’s historic market building on the Saturday. The break is very popular with regular repeat guests so places are limited. Whatever your ability you will be welcome to come and join in with our friendly guests for a week of fun and entertainment. Young persons are encouraged and there is a discount of 50% for under 20’s sharing a room with adults. Non residential places are also available to include the music element, activities and meals.
There are also a few non-residential places available for local residents.

Contact phone 01643821425 Contact email hotel@yarnmarkethotel.co.uk

Pop-up Lynmouth Flood talks

Pop-up Lynmouth Flood talks

A 10-minute illustrated talk on the Lynmouth Flood Disaster followed by 10 minutes of historical film from the time.
A chance to learn what happened and how it changed the village. No need to book. (Donations requested). Not Mondays

Contact phone 01598 752509 Contact email NPCLynmouth@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Dunster Outback Walk

A landscape photo
Join a guided walk leader and explore the picturesque landscape around Dunster.

A 2-2.5hr/4 mile guided walk, taking in the historical sites of Dunster village and the breathtaking views above the village from the ancient hillforts of Grabbist Hill and Bat’s Castle.

Accessibility: The walk route includes some steep inclines, over uneven ground. A moderate level of fitness is required.

Please ensure you bring suitable outdoor clothing and walking boots.

Dogs on short leads allowed.

Booking recommended.

Free event - donations welcome (for the CareMoor for Exmoor scheme supporting heritage, nature and access projects on Exmoor).

Contact phone 01643 821835 Contact email NPCDunster@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Rockpooling with a Ranger

Photo of a family Rockpooling
Join Exmoor National Park Rangers to explore the rockpools of Lynmouth.

We will hunt for anemones, crabs, sea sponges and all sorts of other marine critters. With our knowledgeable rangers as your guide, you will learn more about the diversity of life on our shores and gain the skills to carry on rockpooling in your own time. All equipment provided including identification guides, nets and buckets. The site is exposed so please remember sun cream and water (filling station in Lynmouth near the toilets). Sandals or waterproof shoes are useful but not essential. Everyone welcome!

Contact phone 07970099116 Contact email cwray@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk