Exmoor Events Calendar

8th September 2024

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Moorland Mousie Exmoor Pony Exhibition


The Moorland Mousie Trust exists to promote and protect all aspects of registered Exmoor ponies, on Exmoor, throughout the UK and abroad. We want to ensure the continued survival of free-living Exmoor pony herds on Exmoor, nationally and internationally.

Contact phone 01598 752509 Contact email NPCLynmouth@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Great Exmoor Ride

A spectacular route suitable for a wide range of riders.

The Great Exmoor Ride starts in Taunton and follows a spectacular, challenging course that takes riders through quiet Somerset lanes and up onto and across the eastern part of Exmoor, before finally finishing by the sea at the very peaceful and unspoilt Blue Anchor near Minehead. It’s a spectacular route and the Ride is suitable for a wide range of riders, particularly anyone with a bit of determination who's looking for an event that's both challenging AND relaxed – it includes over 1600m of climbing in total so it will test most people but, as with its sister-event the GWR, the GER is all about having fun while rising to your own personal challenge and doing it at your own pace. And, as the riders in our 2023 event demonstrated, you're likely to feel a HUGE sense of achievement at the finish!

£37.50 (adults) £16 (U16s)

Contact phone 07956858851 Contact email mail@greatexmoorride.com

Ruins in the Woods

An old sepia photo of the mineral line
Walk from Chargot Woods exploring the mineral railway.

The 19th century mineral line was built to carry iron from the Brendons to Watchet for shipment to South Wales. Spectacular remains are hidden in the hills.  This is a one hour stroll to look at Langham Engine House, then a two hour walk down the steep miners' track to see Bearland Flue and other features connected with iron mining. We may visit Burrow Farm Engine House or Kennisham Hill. Free. Booking essential.

Contact phone 01984 634177 Contact email drwthw@gmail.com

Wild Swimming Walk with Sophie Pierce

Photo of someone swimming in a lake
If you love reading and enjoy walking, then this could be just the book club you have been seeking...

Join writer Sophie Pierce and Seven Fables for a walk, talk and optional wild swim! Sophie Pierce is a writer with a passionate interest in our emotional connection to natural landscapes. We are gathering to celebrate the Exmoor landscape with her most recent publication, Wild Swimming Walks - Exmoor and North Devon, the fifth title in this popular series co-written with fellow swimmer Matt Newbury.

You are invited to bring a picnic to enjoy by the river. A level of walking fitness is required, please dress appropriately, and do bring a blanket or cushion to sit on - we walk in all weathers. Swimming optional at own risk.

Walk & Talk + Book £22 (RRP £14.99) Walk & Talk £12


Contact phone 01398 324457 Contact email info@sevenfables.co.uk