Exmoor Events Calendar

27th October 2024

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Childrens Crafting

Children's crafting table

Bookmarks, greeting card making, and colouring activities with lots of pencils, crayons, felt tips and stickers to keep your little ones amused during half-term. (Donations requested)

Contact phone 01598 752509 Contact email NPCLynmouth@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Exhibition by the Lynton & Barnstaple Railway


Steam trains through rolling countryside, with views out to wild moorland and the rugged coastline. Originally opened in 1898, and closed in 1935; what you can see today at Woody Bay is just the beginning of an exciting project to rebuild one of the world’s most famous and picturesque narrow-gauge railways; the legendary Lynton & Barnstaple Railway.

Contact phone 01598 752509 Contact email NPCLynmouth@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Pop-up Lynmouth Flood talks

Pop-up Lynmouth Flood talks

A 10-minute illustrated talk on the Lynmouth Flood Disaster followed by 10 minutes of historical film from the time.
A chance to learn what happened and how it changed the village. No need to book. (Donations requested). Not Mondays

Contact phone 01598 752509 Contact email NPCLynmouth@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk