Exmoor Events Calendar

22nd March 2025

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Sammy Rimington International Jazz Band weekend

Sammy Rimington

The Yarn Market Hotel in Dunster, based within Exmoor National Park, hosts a 3 night jazz weekend with entertainment each evening after dinner, the musicians are Sammy Rimington and John Shillito International Jazz Band.

Sammy Rimington is now coming up to 83-years old and is semi-retired. Just before Christmas, he phoned John Shillito to suggest that it would be nice if they could find an opportunity to make music together again. John Shillito is 86. Despite their ages, no one can accuse either of these men of “just going through the motions” This will be a remarkable celebration of long term musical skills and devotion to New Orleans Jazz with a full band of fantastic musicians.

Evening Jazz tickets are available for residents and non residents at £20.00 per night, or £50.00 for the 3 nights. Dinner and jazz tickets for non residents £50.00 per night.

Residential Dinner Bed and Breakfast and jazz tickets package from £325.00 per person.

Please contact the hotel for bookings or enquiries

Contact phone 01643 821425 Contact email hotel@yarnmarkethotel.co.uk

Dunster Village Community Clean

Volunteers at Dunster
Meet at the Exmoor National Park Centre, Dunster Steep, Dunster, TA24 6SE

Come along and help Plastic Free Exmoor with a village litter pick and spring clean in the village of Dunster.

Litter pickers and collecting bags will be provided. Under 16's must be accompanied by an adult.

This event is part of Keep Britain Tidy's Great British Spring Clean and is also a Surfers Against Sewage Million Mile Clean event.

For further information and to register for the event please contact plasticfreeexmoor@gmail.com

Contact email plasticfreeexmoor@gmail.com

Mark Asprey Landscapes Photography Talk at Lynmouth NPC

Mark Asprey, retired, professional commercial photographer with a deep passion for landscape photography, will share his journey from studying at Filton College through to working with Smirnoff, Marmite, Starbucks, Nivea to name just a few. Mark will then explore his passion for incredible landscape photography on Exmoor. Whether you're an amateur or experienced photographer, this will be a fascinating and interesting chance to learn from a professional in his field.

Light refreshments served after the talk and donations to CareMoor. Booking open shortly.

Contact phone 01598 752509 Contact email NPCLynmouth@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Stargazing @ Holworthy Farm with Space Detectives

Stargazing @ Holworthy Farm with Space Detectives is a warm and welcoming event with a 2 course home cooked farmhouse meal and he opportunity to gaze at the wonderous Exmoor Dark Skies from the edge of Wimbleball Lake. There is also the opportunity to stay overnight on a bed and breakfast basis.

Contact phone 01398 371244 Contact email holworthyfarm@aol.com