Exmoor Events Calendar
23rd April 2025
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The Lynton & Barnstaple Railway: Postcode Week
Are you resident in the TA or EX postcode areas? Bring along proof of your
address on the day to display at our station shop and enjoy a relaxing train ride for just £2.00 per person. (Terms & Conditions apply please see the Lynton and Barnstaple website).
Holidaying in the area during this time? You can still visit us and travel for the standard fare!
01598 763487
A Walk through Dunster’s History
Join a guided walk leader and explore the picturesque streetscape and surroundings of Dunster village.
A 2 hour guided walk around a village steeped in history.
Fortnightly on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month April - October
11am start from Dunster National Park Centre TA24 6SE
Booking advisable. Free event with - donations welcome to our CareMoor for Exmoor scheme supporting heritage, nature and access projects on Exmoor.
Please wear suitable clothing and footwear. For more info ask at our Dunster National Park Centre, 01643 821835.
Photo: Nina Dodd
01643 821835