Exmoor Events Calendar

12th August 2025

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Lynmouth Flood Talk and Walk

Flood walks
National Park Centre, Lynmouth The Pavilion, The Esplanade, EX35 6EQ.

Join a guided walk around Lynmouth to hear all about how this event unfolded and how it changed the village and the lives of those who lived there.
A 2 hour on fairly even ground. Starts at Lynmouth National Park Centre.
Booking advisable.

2nd Tues of the month -
8 Apr; 13 May; 10 June; 8 July; 12 Aug, 9 Sept; 14 Oct
Booking recommended.
For more info National Park Centre Lynmouth
Tel: 01598 752509

Contact phone 01598 752509

All About The Infamous Red Deer Of Exmoor

Andrew bellowing stag

A very interesting, informative & interactive talk & Slide show by Andrew Turner from Red Stag Safaris. Light refreshments provided.

Contact phone 01643 851227 Contact email triscombeholidays@gmail.com