Get - Involved FAQs

Q. How do I find which volunteering opportunities are currently available in Exmoor National Park? We’ve got lots of volunteering opportunities for you to choose from. You can start searching online right now on our Latest Volunteering Roles and Opportunities page

Q. How do I apply for a role? Once you’ve found a role you’re interested in see the How to Apply section of the role description. For roles with Exmoor National Park Authority and some other local groups you can also click on the Website link and follow the instructions.

Q.  I’m not sure whether I’m suitable for the role, can I speak to someone? For more information about the role see the Contact Details on the individual role descriptions

Q.  Are the volunteer roles seasonal or year-round? Any seasonal roles will be specified as such and some may be time specific.  Many though are listed as ongoing or year-round.  Check the details given in the Duration section of the role description.

Q. What age do I have to be? In general there is no minimum or maximum age for volunteering with us at Exmoor National Park Authority as long as:
- the activity is suitable for your age
- you are able to take part safely
- there is no legal minimum age requirement for the task e.g. driving
If you are under 18, your parent or guardian must give permission for you to volunteer
- If you are under 16 you must be accompanied by a responsible adult

If applying for a role with one of our partner organisations please check direct with them about any specific requirements they may have.

Q. I’d like to volunteer but don’t have much spare time. How can I help? Many of the roles listed have flexible time commitments– check out the Time Commitment section of the role description for info.
If you’ve only got a small amount of time to give you can still make a valuable contribution:
- Take part in our Exmoor Wildwatch survey
- Donate to CareMoor for Exmoor
- Fundraise for one of the many excellent local charities based on Exmoor

Q. Will I be paid? As a volunteer you will not be paid.  If you are volunteering for Exmoor National Park Authority we will cover your agreed out-of-pocket expenses, such as travel between your home and where you volunteer up to a maximum limit per day.
If you are volunteer for one of our partner organisations/groups please check direct with them about what help they offer with expenses.

Q. Is there training available to help me in my volunteering role? Training requirements vary from role to role but will be specified under Skills/Ability needed and What’s in it for you section of each role description

You will receive a thorough induction to your role so that you are confident in what you are being asked to do.

Q.  Will I be insured?
Exmoor National Park Authority has Employers’ Liability, Personal Accident and Public Liability Insurance cover in place for all its volunteers.  We actively encourage our partner organisations to ensure they have similar support for their volunteers but it is always best to check direct with the organisation about their individual insurance arrangements.

Q.  Can International Students Volunteer? As long as you have permission to work or study in the UK you can volunteer.  If you need a work visa to work, you will also need this to volunteer as well.  See here for further guidance

Q. How can groups volunteer on Exmoor? We can help your group find a great volunteer activity either with us or with one of our partner organisations. Contact us at for more information.

Q. Do you provide accommodation?
We don’t provide accommodation. Some organisations such as the National Trust may offer accommodation for full-time volunteers/interns.  If you are looking to volunteer here from overseas, you will need to bear in mind there is a lack of regular public transport options on Exmoor, so you may need to arrange your own transport around the moor.

Q. Once I start volunteering with you how I will be kept in touch with what’s going on? At Exmoor National Park Authority we use a website called Myvolunteering where volunteers have their own profile, can record hours and update their rotas.  It also has a resource library, with relevant documents and policies. We email out regular updates about volunteering via this system.

You can also sign up to receive a quarterly Get Involved newsletter where we feature volunteer-related news and events from across Exmoor.

  1. How do you reward and recognise your volunteers? Like us, many of our partner organisations will run social events to say thank you to their volunteers. The work of their volunteers is also promoted through social media and the local press. Get Involved runs an annual Volunteer Conference celebrating all things volunteering on Exmoor.