Supper and Stargazing with Wild about Exmoor

A photo of people looking at a starry sky

We have teamed together with the Exford Bridge Tea Room which is one of Exmoor National Park’s Dark Sky Reserve Hubs to deliver stargazing events for the Dark Sky Festival 2024 which everyone is welcome to book onto.  The event comprises of a delicious home cooked meal, followed by an informative presentation all about Exmoor Dark Skies. If the weather is clear, we then head out for a short walk into the Dark Sky Reserve to stargaze, using the latest laser and computer guided telescopes and equipment.  If the weather is inclement, we will stay in the warmth and cosiness of the tearoom and go “star hopping” using the indoor virtual planetarium projector instead. £43 per adults and £23 pp 16 years and under