A Roadmap back to Red Squirrels? – Dunster

Red Squirrel

Come along to the National Park Centre in Dunster to hear Jackie Foott of British Red Squirrel (a working project of Red Squirrel South-West) give a talk on whether Red Squirrels may one day be able to return to the South-West.

Red Squirrels still existed in Exmoor within living memory, but are now sadly under threat in the UK – largely due to the introduction of the invasive Grey Squirrel from North America. Following many years of experience in Red Squirrel conservation and Grey Squirrel management, Jackie will discuss the ecology of Reds and Greys, as well as the impact the presence of Grey Squirrels has on our native Reds. Can Red Squirrels still be saved, and could they be returned to favourable conservation status within the UK? Come along to learn more, and see what you think!

Also find out how you could get involved with the work of the Exmoor Squirrel Project in the local area.

Doors open at 6:30pm for a 7pm start. The talk is expected to take around one hour, but leave time to ask questions and join in with the friendly discussion afterwards.

Tea/coffee and biscuits will be provided!

Contact email NPCDunster@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk