Great Exmoor Ride

A spectacular route suitable for a wide range of riders.

The Great Exmoor Ride starts in Taunton and follows a spectacular, challenging course that takes riders through quiet Somerset lanes and up onto and across the eastern part of Exmoor, before finally finishing by the sea at the very peaceful and unspoilt Blue Anchor near Minehead. It’s a spectacular route and the Ride is suitable for a wide range of riders, particularly anyone with a bit of determination who's looking for an event that's both challenging AND relaxed – it includes over 1600m of climbing in total so it will test most people but, as with its sister-event the GWR, the GER is all about having fun while rising to your own personal challenge and doing it at your own pace. And, as the riders in our 2023 event demonstrated, you're likely to feel a HUGE sense of achievement at the finish!

£37.50 (adults) £16 (U16s)

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