North Hill On The Radar

North Hill jeep

Celebration of wartime heritage - convoy of military vehicles heading from the old hospital site in Minehead, leaves the Old Hospital on The Avenue, Minehead at 10:30am to the World War II tank training grounds and Radar Station on North Hill.

In World War II, North Hill was closed to civilians and brought under military control. It became one of country's five new tank training ranges for British, American and Canadian troops. Tucked down the coastal slopes lay a top-secret Radar Station, one of 244 across the country and part of a coastal defensive chain to identify shipping and low flying aircraft. The stations were in operation 24 hours a day, often run by women from the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF).

Discover more about this incredible time through displays, a walk to guide you around the site, and activities to discover North Hill’s wildlife.

Free event, suitable for all ages - donations welcome to CareMoor for Exmoor.