Exmoor Events Calendar

12th June 2024

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Julia Wade Art Exhibition


Julia's Works can be quite spontaneous! But within that organic process, her main focus is on capturing as much atmosphere possible, from the subject matter being worked on, at any one time. Her pictures often strive to express their subjects, beyond the obvious; hopefully, inviting the viewer in, to share and enjoy her sensitive expressions, within the works.

Contact phone 01598 752509 Contact email NPCLynmouth@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk

Simonsbath Festival 2024

A church
Simonsbath, Exmoor
Celebrating Music, Art, Talks & Walks on Exmoor from May Day to Midsummer

Simonsbath Festival is a non profit making community festival which celebrates all things Exmoor in the six weeks between May Day and Midsummer. In the spirit of diversity the festival offers a variety of events and activities including talks, classical, folk and jazz music. The festival also collaborates with partners The Exmoor Society and the Exmoor Running and Walking Festival whose events showcase properties and locations on Exmoor that are not easily viewed from public roads. You can find more details of these collaborative activities in the events section of this website. They give an unrivaled insight into Exmoor countryside, its heritage, life and people.

Contact phone Marian Lloyd - 01643 831451 Contact email philip.hull@simonsbathfestival.org.uk

A Walk through Dunster's History

Join a guided walk leader and explore the picturesque landscape village Dunster.

A 2hr guided walk around a village steeped in history.

Accessibility: The walk route includes some gentle inclines around the village lanes and passes over some uneven ground towards the end of the route. The route can be adapted - if you have a particular mobility requirement please contact Dunster National Park Centre prior to booking for further information.

Please ensure you bring suitable outdoor clothing and stout footwear.

Dogs on short leads allowed.

Booking recommended.

Free event - donations welcome for the CareMoor for Exmoor scheme supporting heritage, nature and access projects on Exmoor.

Contact phone 01643 821835 Contact email NPCDunster@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk