The built environment, individual buildings, villages and settlements are as much a part of what makes Exmoor special as the natural beauty, wildlife and bustling communities. Planning has a vital role to play in ensuring that new development is well designed and carefully sited so that it contributes to the variety and quality of Exmoor's landscape and provides homes and work places for its inhabitants. Exmoor National Park is a working and living community where development is necessary to ensure that the needs of the community, businesses and visitors are met.
The planning policies seek to ensure that development is of the right scale, directed to appropriate locations and conserves and enhances the character and appearance of the National Park. Development proposals should be of a high quality so that the special qualities of the National Park are maintained.
Some planning decisions are decided by the Authority's Committee.
Due to Data Protection legislation, we would like to make you aware of our Planning privacy notice. This outlines what data we collect and how we use it.