Affordable Housing Surveys

Consultation of potential sites for development, carried out by the 8 Parishes Affordable Housing Working Group.

In 2018, the parishes of Cutcombe, Exford, Exton, Luccombe, Luxborough, Timberscombe, Winsford and Wooton Courtenay carried out a Housing Needs Survey.  Following this survey, a need for affordable homes for local people was identified, and a Working Group was formed to follow this up.  This survey is the result of their work, with the support of Exmoor National Park and Somerset West and Taunton, in identifying seven potential sites which may be considered for development of local affordable housing.  Please look at the maps of the sites (linked below), which show also an approximate number of dwellings which could be built there.  You do not have to comment on every site if you do not wish.

This Survey is now closed

Download the Report on Site Consultation March 2021

Links to maps of potential sites

CUTCOMBE 1 - Dunkery View Farm, Wheddon Cross. , 0.4587 Ha

CUTCOMBE 2 , Meadow Close - 9-10, Wheddon Cross , 0.038 ha

EXFORD 1 -Land Adjacent to Westcott Mead, Church Hill, Exford, 0.271ha

EXTON 1 - Land west of Red Door Farm, Exton - 0.045 ha

LUXBOROUGH 1- Land adjacent to Tarr Water Cottages, Pooltown, Luxborough, 0.192 ha

TIMBERSCOMBE 1 - Land adjacent to A396, Cowbridge, Timberscombe- 0.034 ha

WOOTTON COURTENAY 1 - Land to the East of the Village Hall, Wootton Courtenay 0.146 ha