Local Plan Evidence Base
The full evidence base used to inform the preparation of the Exmoor National Park Local Plan to 2031 can be viewed on the Local Plan examination library using the link below:
The documents listed below reference older evidence and larger reports that have their own webpage.
EXMOOR NATIONAL PARK HOUSE PRICE SURVEYSThe Exmoor National Park House Price Survey has been carried out on an annual basis since July 1998. The information gained from this desktop study, contributes towards monitoring and reviewing present housing policies within the Exmoor National Park Local Plan. |
EXMOOR NATIONAL PARK HOUSING LAND AVAILABILITY REPORTSThe data within these reports is essential for monitoring indicators for the Local Plan housing policies within the Annual Monitoring Report . Housing Land Availability Report 2006/07 Housing Land Availability Report 2007 - 2008 Housing Land Availability Report 2008-2009 Housing Land Availability Report 2009/10 More recent annual information can be found in the appropriate Annual Monitoring Reports |
STRATEGIC HOUSING LAND AVAILABILITY ASSESSMENTExmoor National Park Authority and West Somerset, North Devon and Torridge District Councils have worked in partnership to ensure that there is enough suitable land available to deliver future housing requirements. |
STRATEGIC FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT (SFRA)The West Somerset Council & Exmoor National Park Authority Level 1 (March 2009) Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) and the Exmoor National Park SFRA Addendum (August 2014). |
LANDSCAPE SENSITIVITY STUDY 2013An update to include Porlock Weir was undertaken in 2015 |