LDF Stakeholder workshops


December 2008 - January 2009

Three stakeholder consultation workshops were held at Dunster Tithe Barn, Lynton Town Hall and Exmoor House in Dulverton, during December 2008 and January 2009. The aim of these workshops was to scope key issues and options as an important component of preparation for the new Core Strategy & Development Management Policies DPD.

LDF Stakeholder Workshops

The following topic papers were prepared for the stakeholder consultation workshops which were held at Lynton and Dunster during December 2008. The topic papers summarise the main issues identified for each topic heading and also set out the national and regional policies which will guide our local planning policies.

Topic Paper 1: Economy and Employment (PDF 162KB)
Topic Paper 2: Housing  (PDF 120KB)
Topic Paper 3: Climate Change, Waste Management and Pollution  (PDF 142KB)
Topic Paper 4: Historic and Built Environment, and Minerals  (PDF 168KB)
Topic Paper 5: Landscape, Wildlife and Land Management  (PDF 117KB)
Topic Paper 6: Settlements, Services, Transport and Infrastructure  (PDF 286KB)
Topic Paper 7: Recreation and Tourism  (PDF 114KB)

The results of the discussions held at the stakeholder events, and the responses to the stakeholder questionnaire sent out in December 2008, were collated and presented to the National Park Planning Committee on 3rd March 2009. The following report and associated appendices present the information obtained from stakeholder input.

LDF Stakeholder Consultation Report (PDF 642KB)