Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

West Somerset Council & Exmoor National Park Authority Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 (2009)

The Level 1 SFRA is a desk-based study using data collected from numerous sources including the Environment Agency, water utility companies and local authorities - this provides a broad assessment of flood risk taking into account historic flood events, present areas at risk of flooding, and areas which may become at risk of flooding in the future.

The SFRA will assist the Authority in preparing policies regarding land-use and the location of future development. The information in this Level 1 report will enable the Authority to apply the Sequential Test to proposed development sites - this aims to guide development to areas of lowest flood risk.

SFRA Level 1 Report (1.93MB - PDF)

Appendix A: Sequential & Exception Test (25KB - PDF)                                
Appendix B: Policy Review & Considerations (74KB - PDF)                        
Appendix C: Wessex Water Sewer Flooding Data
Overview (1.85MB - PDF)      Detail (941KB - PDF)
Appendix D: Technical Methodology (14KB - PDF)    
Appendix E: Broad-scale Flood Risk Review (22KB - PDF)
Appendix F: Focused Assessments (2.64MB - PDF)


Study Area - Figure 1 (PDF - 1.04MB)

Overview of Major Strategic Water Features - Figure 2 (PDF - 1.07MB)

Fluvial and Tidal Zone Figure 3a (PDF - 1.28MB), Figure 3b (PDF - 1.56MB), Figure 3c (PDF - 1.29MB), Figure 3d (PDF - 1.36MB), Figure 3e (PDF - 1.54MB), Figure 3f (PDF - 1.38MB).

Historic Flood Incidents & Potential Flood Sources Figure 4a (PDF - 1.24MB), Figure 4b (PDF - 1.42MB), Figure 4c (PDF - 1.22MB), Figure 4d (PDF - 1.36MB), Figure 4e (PDF - 1.45MB), Figure 4f (PDF - 1.40MB).

NFCDD Defences: Present Day Indicative Crest Levels Figure 5a (PDF - 1.31MB), Figure 5b  (PDF - 1.30MB).

NFCDD Structures Figure 6a (PDF - 1.36MB), Figure 6b (PDF - 1.32MB)

Flood Watch Areas Within Study Area Figure 7a (PDF - 1.07MB), Figure 7b (PDF - 1.07MB)


The aim of this addendum is to provide an update to the original Level 1 SFRA for the area of Exmoor National Park, and has been achieved through the following objectives:

1. Revision of flood maps/Geographical Information Systems (GIS) layer – regarding Porlock where the Flood Zones have been revised by the Environment Agency to distinguish between Flood Zone 3a and Flood Zone 3b. Identification of the Functional Floodplain (Flood Zone 3b) in discussion with the Environment Agency;

2. Update of information throughout the SFRA regarding recent evidence for sources of flooding focussing on the area within the National Park;

3. Examine the Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) for Minehead to assess any evidence of identified flood risk from surface water within the National Park. This includes a review of the new updated Flood Maps for Surface Water (uFMfSW) recently published by the Environment Agency;

4. Provide an update in relation to data from the Environment Agency regarding maximum reservoir flood extent as shown on the draft Local Plan Proposals Map.

SFRA Level 1 Addendum - Exmoor National Park Report (4.13MB - PDF)